Thursday, December 13, 2007

Quick Update

Brian has been busy this past week getting everything ready so that the family can move in. When I spoke with him last night, he was laying down backer board for ceramic tile. Noah was there helping. They also had some good news. The people that are installing their heat system were able to start earlier then expected. Praise God for that.

They started to meet with the Stoners once a week to learn the Navajo language and also started a course on World Christian Movement. They also began Bi-weekly prayer meetings.

Brian is currently looking for a part time job to help him interact with the people there.

Please remember them in your prayers as the family is feeling home sick.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Finally...They found a home!

Yes, you heard it right. The Myer's family has been able to get a home of their own. After several weeks of shopping around, their offer on their new home was accepted. They should be able to move into it shortly.

Located in Bloomfield, which is right next to Farmington, they purchased a lovely 3 bedroom rancher. It comes with a 4 car garage, which they plan on converting half of it into more living space.
Brian and Rochelle's parents both went out for a 12 day visit. It was a wonderful time for them. They were all able to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal together. During the visit, they went to the Aztecs Ruins, toured a Irrigation Project, took the kids to a Taxidermy Museum, saw the BIC Mission, and climbed the Huerfano Mountain.

As with all visits, the time went by too fast. Both Brian and Rochelle's parents made it back home safely with tons of pictures and memories.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Fun during training

The family enjoyed their weekends during training in Colorado. On one weekend they visited the Focus on the Family campus, and saw lots of things from the series Adventures in Odyssey. There was even a real ice cream shop "Wit's end" . The children enjoyed the large slide that started in the building and went to the outside.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Myers family arrived safely in New Mexico after traveling through five states in five days. A drive like that came be wearing, especially with four kids in tow. However, they were blessed that every hotel that they stayed at had a swimming pool so the kids could burn pend up energy.

The also did some sight seeing. They stopped at the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial in Saint Louis, Missouri.
They are grateful to the Lord for a smooth trip and for the prayers that the felt coming their way. After a week in New Mexico, they traveled back to Colorado for five weeks of training at the Mission Training International Campus.
During their trip to NM family and friends in Pennsylvania were spreading the news that the family is expecting an new baby in April. The family arrived in Colorado for training on September 24th and spent alot of the first week adjusting to another "home". They are praising the Lord for healing after dealing with illness.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Commissioning Service

A commissioning service was held for Brian and Rochelle on Saturday evening at Atrium Brethren in Christ Church. It was attended by family, friends, and supporters.
The evening began with a potluck dinner, and there was plenty to eat. Afterwards, Brian and Rochelle spoke briefly thanking everyone for supporting their mission. They also thanked friends and family for all of the meals, babysitting, and places to stay. Next was a presentation by the Missions Auxliary with quilts for all of the children. The floor was then opened to anyone who wished the say something to the Myers family. Rochelle's father, Keith, tearfully remarked that he prepared for this moment the day he held her in his arms and dedicated her to the Lord. Brian's father Ken came up next, sharing even though they will be missed, what more could a father want then children following Christ. Some friends and family also came up and spoke words of encouragement. A presentation of a Bible was then made by Mike Holland from the Missions Office. He told them to feast on a diet rich in God's Word. The evening was closed with a prayer of commissioning lead by Keith Sider.
The event was hosted and put together by their MOST team.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Last week was Roxbury Holiness Camp. And what a great week it was. Brian and Rochelle were in their classes for the first half of the week. Brian said that some of the sessions were "heavy" at times, but at least they have another course under their belt. The kids were busy attending the Sunbeam center, where the theme this year was the Great King.

Some highlights from the week:

Sunday, we were all able to enjoy a concert by Fernando Orteaga.

Wednesday was missions day. Rochelle and Brian spoke briefly on stage. Rochelle says, "Surrender is the most important ingredient in discerning Gods calling." The day ended with a prayer of commissioning for the missionares led by Bishop Rob Patterson.

Friday was the annual Sunbeam parade. Noah and Lydia, along with their cousins Cameron and Tyler, won second place. Can you guess which Bible characters they were?

Well, thats all for now. God Bless!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Answering the call...

Brian and Rochelle Myers, with their children, Noah, Lydia, Elijah, and Mercy are busy preparing for their "BICWM missionary intern assignment" among the Navajo people in New Mexico. After arrival in NM the family will then soon depart for 5 weeks of training in Colordao and then on to North Carolina for another training period. When training is completed, they return to NM to get settled in their new home, learn to know new people, and adjust to life away from PA. family and friends.

Brian and Rochelle will be working along side career missionaries, Ben and Eunice Stoner, building personal relationships with the Navajo people. Lord willing, small groups will lead to a BIC church planting. Following their year of internship, the Myers' plan to commit to a 3 year mission assignment to minister to the Navajo people who need Christ in their hearts.