Sunday, July 29, 2007

Answering the call...

Brian and Rochelle Myers, with their children, Noah, Lydia, Elijah, and Mercy are busy preparing for their "BICWM missionary intern assignment" among the Navajo people in New Mexico. After arrival in NM the family will then soon depart for 5 weeks of training in Colordao and then on to North Carolina for another training period. When training is completed, they return to NM to get settled in their new home, learn to know new people, and adjust to life away from PA. family and friends.

Brian and Rochelle will be working along side career missionaries, Ben and Eunice Stoner, building personal relationships with the Navajo people. Lord willing, small groups will lead to a BIC church planting. Following their year of internship, the Myers' plan to commit to a 3 year mission assignment to minister to the Navajo people who need Christ in their hearts.