Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Commissioning Service

A commissioning service was held for Brian and Rochelle on Saturday evening at Atrium Brethren in Christ Church. It was attended by family, friends, and supporters.
The evening began with a potluck dinner, and there was plenty to eat. Afterwards, Brian and Rochelle spoke briefly thanking everyone for supporting their mission. They also thanked friends and family for all of the meals, babysitting, and places to stay. Next was a presentation by the Missions Auxliary with quilts for all of the children. The floor was then opened to anyone who wished the say something to the Myers family. Rochelle's father, Keith, tearfully remarked that he prepared for this moment the day he held her in his arms and dedicated her to the Lord. Brian's father Ken came up next, sharing even though they will be missed, what more could a father want then children following Christ. Some friends and family also came up and spoke words of encouragement. A presentation of a Bible was then made by Mike Holland from the Missions Office. He told them to feast on a diet rich in God's Word. The evening was closed with a prayer of commissioning lead by Keith Sider.
The event was hosted and put together by their MOST team.