Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Kline family go out west...

Rochelle's sister and family came out to spend the week. It was the first time the kids had been back together for long time. After five minutes, it was like they never were apart. It was a wonderful time. The kids all slept together in a tent setup in the family room. We all went and did some sight seeing at the Aztex National Monument. Most of the time was spent with family and having a good time. Rochelle and Joelene had a girls day out, while Brian and Chris went to the movies later that night. It was great to reconnect. Grandpa Sider had laid down a challenge to Chris. Grandpa got Sara to give him a huge smile, and Grandpa told Chris to "beat that". Well, Chris won the challenge by getting Sara to laugh for the first time. The week went by to quick. It was a wonderful visit.