Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mercy turns 5

Mercy's birthday actually fell on Labor Day this year. Mercy like other little people her age just could hardly wait for her special day. Mercy enjoyed new shoes, play makeup, and a pretend vanity complete with mirror, makeup drawer and stool. Mercy also gets to go on a special date with Mom and Dad for dinner and some shopping instead of having a party.

Time at the cabin

Rochelle and the 4 younger children speant some time at the cabin in Colorado while Noah and Brian went backpacking. We just did some relaxing in the beautiful sunshine and of course there had to be time for the hot tub. Rochelle stayed clear of the hot tub since the kids treated it more like a small swimming pool then something to just relax in.

Noah's first backpacking camping trip

Noah, Brian, a friend of ours, and his college buddy all went backpacking for 2 days and 2 nights in the San Juan mountains of Colorado. They had great weather. Noah was a little nervous about the wildlife that might come visiting they campsite at night but the Lord kept them safe and they had a wonderful time. They even caught a fish that had a mouse in it's stomach.