Friday, October 24, 2008

Time in the mountains

The San Juan mountains are fast becoming our favorite place to go. This past weekend we traveled up to nearly 11,000 feet for a scenic trip. The leaves were still on the trees to about 10,000 feet then there were not any past that elevation. It was however still beautiful to see the mountains with fresh snow. We let the children play at a playground in the little victorian mining town of Silverton. The highway to Silverton can literally take your breath away especially if you are not comfortable with heights. I (Rochelle) was a little leary at first but it was worth it. We have heard the trip beyond to Ouray makes the one to Silverton look easy. I haven't found the courage to try that yet but we really want to. Ouray is called the swiss alps of North America. Since I have always wanted to go to the swiss alps I thought this might be as close as I get. The glory of the Lord is certainly evident in all He has made!

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